Use this ability once per turn. Allies lose 1 spirit when activated unless they are unique.
Allies remain on the battlefield when played.
Deal damage equal to this ally's spirit to the front enemy at the end of your turn.
At the start of your turn, gain 5 rage and lose a stack of Anger.
The equipped character.
Bleeding Creatures takes this much damage at the start of each turn.
Ignore this much damage taken next turn. Swap to the front. (Heroes share a block total.)
Swap this hero to the front.
If the last card played this turn belonged to the other hero this costs 1 energy less.
At the start of your turn gain 1 energy and lose a stack of Courage.
The target takes double damage from the next attack.
After playing this card, remove it until the end of combat.
After playing this card, remove it until the end of combat.
Frogs have 1 Spirit each and are aggressive. Reduce your frogs stack's spirit by 1 each turn.
This costs 1 energy less when played from the front.
Allows you to choose between different options.
To play this card, this character must be in the front row.
Increases attack damage.
Prevents the first damage this hero would take.
This costs 1 energy less when played from the back.
Does something when an attack from this kills a non summoned enemy.
Don't discard this card at the end of your turn.
Swap this hero to the back.
Destroy this.
Allies can have abilities that use spirit to determine their value. If an ally hits 0 spirit it is unsummoned.
This ally does not use spirit.
Can stack multiple copies of itself in your hand. Don't discard the stack at the end of your turn.
If the last card played this turn belonged to the other hero do the following text.
You cannot play this ally if you already have a copy in play.
The target attacks do 33% less damage for a turn.